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Apply for civil legal aid and advice online

You can now apply for civil legal aid and advice online, if you live in the Republic of Ireland and have access to a personal device with internet access.

Apply for civil legal aid and advice online

Please note, you must close the browser window when you are finished. You will be only able to make one online application in any one browser session.

You will need access to a personal computer with internet access. You will need to have to hand:

  • A payslip/P60, social welfare receipt, or Notice of Assessment from Revenue/Audited Accounts
  • Details of any other income you receive (e.g. maintenance payments)
  • Details of your income tax, PRSI, and USC payments (these will be on your payslip or Notice of Assessment).
  • Details of your monthly mortgage/rent payments
  • Approximate values of all of your capital assets except the house you live in
  • Values of any savings you have
  • Outstanding amounts on any loans/debts that you have