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What is the Family Mediation Service?

Mediation is a process where an impartial third party helps to negotiate an agreed resolution to resolve conflict.

Our family mediation service is a free service, where one of our mediators helps separating couples to negotiate their own agreed solution on terms of settlement. With our free family mediation service, you will be given advice and guidance in making your own decisions that suit your circumstances. If you cannot reach an agreement, or you decide to go to court, it will be a judge who will ultimately make these decisions on your behalf.

How Does Family Mediation Work?

With our free family mediation service, the couple will meet with a professionally trained and completely impartial mediator. They are there to help you both to reach an agreement on terms of settlement. It is important to know that any discussions you have with a mediator are confidential.

Mediation can take between 3 to 6 sessions and are 1 hour long. Most family mediations end with a written document that sets out all agreed upon details of both parties. This document can be taken to a solicitor to be draw into a deed of separation and/or used as the basis of a court order.

The issues you might want to agree on might include:

  • How will you parent your children
  • Financial support
  • Where you will both live and what happens to any property you have
  • What happens to any pensions you both may have

How Will Our Children be Involved?

Our free family mediation service is a process that is committed to helping reduce conflict to protect your children in situations of separation or divorce. Our mediators ensure that the ‘voice of the child’ is brought into the mediation process, directly or indirectly depending on the circumstances. Read our Family