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Legal Aid Board Library FAQs

  1. What is the Legal Aid Board Library?

Co-located with the RDC since 2006, the Legal Aid Board Library houses an extensive collection of books, reports, case-law and other materials primarily relating to Civil & Family Law matters.  It provides a library, research and information service to all Legal Aid Board staff members, especially those in Law Centres and Family Mediation offices. 

  1. Is the Legal Aid Board Library open to the public?

 No. Unlike the Refugee Documentation Centre, the Legal Aid Board Library is not publicly accessible and is reserved for use by staff members of the Legal Aid Board only.

  1. Who may avail of the legal query service offered by the Library?

The query service is provided exclusively to staff members of the Legal Aid Board. 

  1.  How can members access a query form and how should they submit it?

A query form should be completed and submitted to us via the online form or downloaded and returned by email to: LAB_Library@legalaidboard.ie 

Queries may also be submitted via the query form available on the E-Library.

  1. How long does it take to answer a query?

The Legal Aid Board Library team generally require two days notice to answer a query, though many queries are answered within a shorter timeframe. If for any reason your specified deadline cannot be met, a member of our team will contact you to discuss. If a revised deadline is acceptable to you, this will then be arranged. All urgent queries should be clearly marked as such on submission.

  1. How may I register as a library member?

If you are a staff member of the Legal Aid Board, you may register as a library member by contacting us at: LAB_Library@legalaidboard.ie

  1. How many library items may I borrow and for what period of time?

Members may borrow three items for a four week period. This is renewable if the items are not required by another borrower.

  1. What is ‘Legal Ease’?

Legal Ease is the Legal Aid Board’s quarterly newsletter providing information on the latest developments in Civil Law. The latest edition, as well as previous editions, is available here at the Legal Ease archive.