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Legal Aid Board Library - Services

The objective of the Legal Aid Board Library is to provide a library, research and information service to all Board staff members, especially those in Law Centres and Family Mediation offices.  The services include:

Library Service

Co-located with the RDC in 2006, the Legal Aid Board Library houses an extensive collection of books, reports, case-law and other materials relating to Civil & Family Law matters.  Reference works are also available.

The library is not open to the public. Only staff members of the Legal Aid Board are eligible to join the library and borrow items. 

Research and Query Service

The Legal Aid Board Library team provides a specialist legal query and research service for staff members of the Legal Aid Board.

Applications may be made by completing and submitting a query form. The query service is not available to members of the public.

Sources used by our researchers include in-house collections, subscription databases, internet sources and external networks. Our query responses include a fully referenced list of sources cited.

Confidentiality: Information you submit to us on the query form will not be made publicly available. Please note however that our query responses may be published on the E-library of the Legal Aid Board and elsewhere, though publication only occurs after all confidential information has been removed.

Legal Ease – Newsletter

Legal Ease is the Legal Aid Board’s quarterly newsletter providing information and analysis on the latest developments relating to the Board’s work. The latest edition, as well as all previous editions, is available in the Legal Ease archive

The editor is Catherine Ryan, Managing Solicitor.

Interested in submitting an article for publication? Contact Legal Ease at research@legalaidboard.ie for further information.


The Electronic Library is available to all Legal Aid Board staff members. It allows users to see what materials the library holds, to borrow and renew items, request searches and interlibrary loans, and recommend items to order. It is accessible from http://elibrary.lab.ie

Contact Us

Email: LAB_Library@legalaidboard.ie

Telephone: 01 477 6250 (General number for Research & Info Unit)

Fax: 01 661 3113

Postal Address: Legal Aid Board Library

Montague Court

7-11 Montague Street

Dublin 2