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Refugee Documentation Centre Query Form

The RDC provides a query and research service for the Legal Aid Board and select agencies of the Department of Justice & Equality. The online query form may be completed and submitted below. Alternatively, a Word version is available to download and submit via email to rdc@legalaidboard.ie

Note: The query and information service is not available to members of the public.

1. Requester Details

2. Deadline

(Please give as much notice as possible. We require a minimum of 5 days notice.)

3. Applicant Details (Optional)

(These details may be needed during research to refine search results and ensure relevancy.)







4. Country of Origin Information

Query/ Queries

(List all Country of Origin Queries.)

(Include any background information or context that may assist research.)

5. Query/ Queries of a Legal Nature

(List all Queries.)

6. Library Requests

(List details such as author and/ or title and/ or year of publication here.)

If you wish to request an article please send a signed a sign copyright form to the Refugee Documentation Centre.

(List details such as author and/ or title and/ or year of publication if you wish to borrow from the RDC Library.)

Download Copyright Form.

7. Sensitive Queries

Could the investigation of this query in any way identify the applicant, or does the query relate to sensitive, applicant-specific information?

8. Sources Consulted

Please list any sources which you have already consulted, and which you do not wish to be considered in the formulation of this query response: