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Meet The Board

In accordance with the Civil Legal Aid Act 1995, the Board is made up of a chairperson and ten ordinary members.

Joan Crawford, Chief Executive


The Legal Aid Board’s Chief Executive is Joan Crawford who was appointed to the role in April 2023. Joan previously served as Director of Internal Service Delivery (Civil) and Regional Manager for the Legal Aid Board, having worked as a solicitor and subsequently as a Managing Solicitor in various Law Centres in the Dublin region. Joan has experience in general practice and local government, as well as extensive experience in Family Law and Mediation, Child Abduction and Child Care cases in all courts.

Nuala Egan, Chairperson


The Chairperson is Nuala Egan, Senior Counsel. Nuala began practising as a barrister in 1997 and became a Senior Counsel in 2022. Her practice focusses upon aspects of constitutional, human rights and administrative law. She has published in her legal areas of interest, including asylum and immigration law, public child law and international environmental law and development.  

Serving Members of The Board

The other members serving on the Board are:

  • Michael Bourke, Solicitor
  • Patrick Durcan, Retired District Court Judge
  • Gordon Jeyes, former Chief Executive of Tusla, the Child and Family Agency
  • Catherine Keane, Solicitor
  • Maurice Lawlor, Officer of the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection
  • Freda McKittrick, Assistant Director, Barnardos
  • Niamh O'Hanlon, Legal Clerk, Legal Aid Board
  • Tracy O'Keeffe, Officer of the Minister for Justice and Equality
  • Catherine Ryan, Managing Solicitor, Legal Aid Board
  • Liam Ryan, Solicitor

Regulation of Lobbying


Designated Public Official

The Board's Designated Public Official: Joan Crawford, Chief Executive.

Organisational Structure

The Board is appointed by the Minister for Justice and Equality and has responsibility for:

  • The strategic direction of the organisation
  • Determining policy and monitoring its implementation
  • Overseeing the proper and effective management of the organisation
  • Monitoring the implementation of effective financial procedures
  • Approving and monitoring budgets
  • Making certain reserved decisions

External Consultative Panel

Please note that the Legal Aid Board External Consultative Panel operates under the Transparency Code prepared in accordance with Section 5(7) of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015. The panel provides a forum to enable the Legal Aid Board to keep stakeholders informed and updated on relevant developments and facilitates stakeholders to provide feedback and assistance to the Legal Aid Board on the services provided.

Composition and membership of the Panel

The External Consultative Panel consists of the following members:

  • Ms Joan Crawford, Chief Executive, Legal Aid Board
  • Ms Julie Ahern, Children's Rights Alliance
  • Mr Bobby Barbour, Citizens Information Board
  • Ms Eilis Barry, FLAC
  • Ms Sarah Benson, Women's Aid
  • Ms Saoirse Brady, Children's Rights Alliance
  • Ms Jacinta Brack, Irish Traveller Movement
  • Mr Adam Boyle, Mercy Law
  • Mr PJ Cleere, Disability Federation
  • Mr Brian Collins, Irish Refugee Council
  • Mr Martin Collins, Pavee Point
  • Ms Joanne Condon, National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities 
  • Ms Sandra Conway, National Women’s Council of Ireland
  • Ms Catherine Cosgrove, Immigrant Council of Ireland
  • Ms Caroline Couhinan, Safe Ireland
  • Ms Gillian Dennehy, Women’s Aid
  • Dr Fiona Donson, Traveller Education Justice Project – UCC
  • Mr Paul Dornan, Ballymun Community Law Centre
  • Mr Allen Dunne, Disability Federation
  • Ms Margaret Gallagher, Children's Rights Alliance
  • Ms Edel Hackett, Safe Ireland
  • Ms Mary Henderson, Immigrant Council of Ireland
  • Ms Siun Hurley, O’Donovan Murphy Solicitors/ Law Society
  • Ms Monica Hynds, Barnardos
  • Mr Paul Joyce, FLAC
  • Ms Aoife Kelly Desmond, Mercy Law
  • Ms Karen Kiernan, One Family
  • Dr Amie Lajoie, MABS
  • Ms Stephaine Lord, FLAC
  • Ms Katie Mannion, Irish Refugee Council
  • Ms Johanna Martyn, MABS
  • Ms Susan McCormack, National Women’s Council of Ireland
  • Ms Andrea McDermott, Men’s Aid
  • Ms Mary McDermott, Safe Ireland
  • Ms Rose Morris, Citizens Information Board
  • Ms Ciara Murphy, Law Library/Council of the Bar of Ireland
  • Ms Joan O’Mahony, Law Society and O’Mahony’s Solicitors
  • Ms Jane O'Sullivan, Community Law and Mediation
  • Mr Ger O’Brien, MABS
  • Ms Orla O’ Connor National Women’s Council of Ireland
  • Ms Deirdre Lynch, Law Library/ Council of the Bar of Ireland
  • Ms Donna Parau, RCNI
  • Mr Damien Peelo, Treoir
  • Mr Cormac Quinlan, TUSLA
  • Ms Gayle Smith, Treoir
  • Ms Susan Shanahan, Citizens Information Board
  • Ms Linda Smith, Women’s Aid
  • Ms Marcella Stakem, SVP
  • Ms Anne Staunton, Rainbows Ireland
  • Ms Rose Wall, Community Law and Mediation
  • Ms Eavan Ward, Women’s Aid
  • Ms Tanya Ward, Children’s Rights Alliance
  • Ms Samantha Williams, Traveller Education Justice Project – UCC
  • Ms Fiona Wright, Courts Service
  • Mr Niall Quinn, Law Library/ Council of the Bar of Ireland
  • Mr James Glynn, MABS
  • Mr Kevin Rogers, Secretary to the Panel, Legal Aid Board

Protected Disclosures

Child Safeguarding Statement

Procurement Policy

View the Legal Aid Board Procurement Policy here.


  • Civil Legal Aid Regulations 1996 - 2021 Consolidated
  • Civil Legal Aid Act 1995 as amended 01-01-19 
  • S.I. No. 272/2016 Civil Legal Aid Regulation
  • Civil Legal Aid Act, 1995
  • S.I. No 272/1996 The Civil Legal Aid Act, 1995, (Commencement Order), 1996
  • S.I. No 273/1996 Civil Legal Aid Regulations, 1996
  • S.I. No 8/2002 Civil Legal Aid Regulations, 2002
  • S.I. No 460/2006 Civil Legal Aid Regulations, 2006
  • S.I. No 81/2017 Civil Legal Aid (International Protection Appeals Tribunal) Order 2017
  • S.I. No 346/2013 Civil Legal Aid Regulations, 2013
  • Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2008
  • Children Act, 1997
  • Sex Offenders Act, 2001
  • Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Amendment Act, 2007